Precipice Finish

Precipice - The brink of a dangerous or disastrous situation, on the precipice of defeat.....
This is what your FED is fighting, outright deflation and right ahead of November elections. Once this breaks we will have a comeback rally - at what bottom, retest of 10683, more like 10,000 (big technical support here) or even lower 8528 if we break 10,000.
Near term, get out of stocks under:
11032, 10960 and 10900 these are key supports for the month of September.
Once this collapse occurs and it will, we should see a retrace of upwards of 55%, it happened in 1929. But after this retrace expect the final blow to this whole FED created liquidity mess, how low, the Elliott Wave Boys still have a DOW 400 target. Lets just say it will not be pretty.
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