The Wedgie - alive and well, talk bear all you want, the bear reflation trade is alive and well. Notice the narrowing wedge. Who will be right Precther or Dent (DOW 35,000)?


SPX Closeup:

Lets talk cycle, the current Kitchin is now entering its third and final bowl. We have completed 6 Wall Cycles and are entering the final downsloping 3. Logic dictates all cylces begin and end at the same point. But we are in new times with the FED prop job. If the above channel breaks, retests and holds, SELL all your longs. Until then the crowd will buy all dips. Notice the heavy support at 7500, this should hold again, if it breaks we will be in big trouble in America.
The cycles have been running 75 to 95 days on average. So you can see as time goes forward risks to the downside grow.
Happy Investing
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