Market fall finished?
Market collapse over.......charts speak louder than words.
Note what happens everytime we break down in the Blue Circles. (TRIX overbought/oversold)
Get your crash helmets on.

This sites purpose will be to post charts, discuss trends and ideas within the global investment arena. Technical trend analysis will be stressed, parabolic curves, cycles, candlesticks, Moving Averages and overbought RSI, MACD and Stoch. Other technical indicators such as Fib Retracement and Elliott Wave Analysis may also be utilized. Charts tell all about the economic health and overall trend in managing your money. Trade To Win
Market collapse over.......charts speak louder than words.
Carry Trade - Yen and Swiss Franc: Relation to markets....
There is a theory. It is called the 397 and 403 month cycle.
Chart 1 - Real Estate ETF
Chart 3 - Real Estate Short Fund
Not even close, I keep reading everywhere how real estate has topped out. Not until early 2007. My feeling is this top out will be what also leads the stock markets lower.
More on that in another post to follow. Let these three charts determine the real estate top, not the unlimited news feed from every source on the globe. My wife is selling a 35 unit condo project within walking distance to the sea in a market in Europe. Sales are brisk.
Will update on this going forward quarter to quarter.